
《外国语(英语)》是英语教育硕士课程中的必修课程,是按照《教育部直属师范大学免费师范毕业生在职攻读教育硕士专业学位实施办法(暂行)》文件规定和我校制定的《免费师范毕业生在职攻读教育硕士专业学位培养方案(试行)》进行设计,(免费师范生教育硕士的培养采取远程教育和集中面授相结合的方式进行。总学时36个学时。此课程学习依托单元主题内容(topic content-oriented learning),体现英语学习的实践性与应用性,工具性与人文性,强调研究生英语综合应用能力,特别是学术英语能力、评判性思维能力的培养,推进教育硕士优质教育资源共享为主要任务。



Objective on language and culture knowledge:

Students can have a good command of the key language points and chunks regarding the following topics: Education, science and technology, important figures, literature, famous speech, cyberspace, world economy, life, culture and world events.

Students can grasp the main idea and structure of the texts.

Objective on cross-culture communicative competence:

Students can know more about culture concerning the related topics.

Students can conduct a series of reading, listening, speaking and writing activities related to the theme of the unit topic, especially can present their unique ideas or demonstrate their provoking thoughts regarding the topics

Objective on English for academic purpose (EAP):

Students can have a good command of English sentences types, paragraph, styles of writingnarration, description, exposition, argumentation.

Students can write an abstract, resume/CV, research proposal, presentation in English based on the required format.

Objective on affective factors:

Students can develop a particular interest and affections upon education, science and technology, literature, cyberspace, world economy, life and culture.

Students can understand the real life picture of the modern people in terms of their sorrows, new norms, trends, anxieties, and so on.

Students can develop a positive attitude towards the foreign culture and realize the mutual relation of the cultures and therefore figure out the significance of spreading our native culture through the foreign language as well.

Students can develop their love for our country and responsibility to make their contributions to China’s development so that we can have much more discourse power on the world stage.